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读书之法-The Ways of Reading,读书之法-The Ways of Reading范
 更新时间:2024-04-20 06:20:29

读书之法-Th Ways of Rading,读书之法-Th Ways of Rading范读书之法-Th Ways of Rading 英语作文网整理收集 You may acquir knowldg by rading, but thr ar so many kinds of books and w hav limitd tim. How should w do som rading?

读书之法-The Ways of Reading,读书之法-The Ways of Reading范

Many studnts spnd a lot of 'tim rading lgnds and swordsman novls. It's a wast of tim. A studnt should know how to mak us of tim and accumulat th knowldg.

So choosing books is vry important for rading. W should choos som good and hlpful books.to rad. B as carful of th books w rad, as of th company w kp, for our habit, and charactr will b as much influncd by th formr as by th lattr. 我们可以通过读书获得知识,但是世上有许多种类的书,而我们的时间很有限,那我们应如何读书呢?


所以选书对于阅读是很重要的。我们必须选一些好书、有帮助的书来读。选书要和交友一样谨慎,因为我们的习性受书籍的影响程度不亚于朋友。 W may obtain knowldg by rading. Th mor books w rad, th mor w accumulat th knowldg. Is it right? I don't think so. It's not wid rading but usful rading that lads to xcllnc. And only good books can bnifit us.

So choosing books is vry important for rading. Many studnts spnd a lot of tim rading lgnds and swordsman novls.It's a wast of tim. Som studnts vn rad som bad books and it is harmful for thm. So b as carful of th books w rad, as of th company w kp, for our habit and charactr will b as much inflund by th formr as by th lattr. 我们读书可以获取知识。我们读书越多,获取的知识越多,对吗?我认为不对。读书有成效不在于博览,而在于读有用的书。只有好书才对我们有益。

因此选书对阅读是很重要的。许多学生花大量的时间读传奇和武侠小说,这是浪费时间。甚至有些学生读一些坏书,这对他们是有害的。所以选书要像交友一样谨慎,因为我们的习性受书籍的影响程度不亚于朋友。 读书之法-Th Ways of Rading 英语作文网整理收集


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