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罕见的化石记录(Rare fossil record)
 更新时间:2024-04-19 05:19:17

th prsrvation of mbryos and juvnils is a rat occurrnc in th fossil rcord. th tiny, dlicat skltons ar usually scattrd by scavngrs or dstroyd by wathring bfor thy can b fossilizd. ichthyosaurs had a highr chanc of bing prsrvd than did trrstrial craturs bcaus, as marin animals, thy tndd to liv in nvironmnts lss subjct to rosion. still, thir fossilization rquird a suit of factors: a slow rat of dcay of soft tissus, littl scavnging by othr animals, a lack of swift currnts and wavs to jumbl and carry away small bons, and fairly rapid burial. givn ths factors, som aras hav bcom a trasury of wll-prsrvd ichthyosaur fossils.th dposits at holzmadn, grmany, prsnt an intrsting cas for analysis. th ichthyosaur rmains ar found in black, bituminous marin shals dpositd about 190 million yars ago. ovr th yars, thousands of spcimns of marin rptils, fish and invrtbrats hav bn rcovrd from ths rocks. th quality of prsrvation is outstanding, but what is vn mor imprssiv is th numbr of ichthyosaur fossils containing prsrvd mbryos. ichthyosaurs with mbryos hav bn rportd from 6 diffrnt lvls of th shal in a small ara around holzmadn, suggsting that a spcific sit was usd by larg numbrs of ichthyosaurs rpatdly ovr tim. th mbryos ar quit advancd in thir physical dvlopmnt; thir paddls, for xampl, ar alrady wll formd. on spcimn is vn prsrvd in th birth canal. in addition, th shal contains th rmains of many nwborns that ar btwn 20 and 30 inchs long.why ar thr so many prgnant fmals and young at holzmadn whn thy ar so rar lswhr? th quality of prsrvation is almost unmatchd and quarry oprations hav bn carrid out carfully with an awarnss of th valu of th fossils. but ths factors do not account for th intrsting qustion of how thr cam to b such a concntration of prgnant ichthyosaurs in a particular plac vry clos to thir tim of giving birth.罕见的化石记录胚胎与幼体被保存下来在化石记录中是少见的事情。 微小纤细的骨骼通常在石化前就被食腐肉的动物拆散了,或者被风化作用破坏掉了。 鱼龙比起陆地的动物有更大的几率被保存下来,因为它们作为海洋动物常生活在腐蚀性较小的环境中。 但是它们的石化需要一系列因素:软组织的腐烂速度缓慢,很少被其他动物残食,缺少混杂、冲走小骨头的快速水流和波浪,以及相当快地被掩埋。 当这些因素存在时,某些地区就会变成一个充满保存完好的鱼龙化石的宝库。在德国获尔兹梅登,那儿的沉积物给人们提出了一个有趣的分析案例。 人们在黑色的、含沥青的海洋页岩中发现了约19,000年前沉积下来的鱼龙化石。 几年时间内,在这些岩石中取得了数以千计的海洋爬行动物、鱼类以及无脊椎动物的标本。 它们的保存质量非常的好,但更令人称奇的是保存下来的育有胚胎的鱼龙化石数目。 在获尔兹梅登附近一个小地区的六个不同的页岩层中分别发现了育有胚胎的鱼龙化石。 这表明大量的鱼龙经年累月重复使用一个特定的地点。 那些胚胎已经发育得相当完整了。 比如,它们的蹼桨已经完全形成了。 有一个标本甚至被保存在产道中。 而且,那块页岩包含着很多在20到30英寸之间的新生幼体的化石。为什么在其他地方那么稀少的怀孕雌兽和幼体在获尔兹梅登却那么多呢? 因为其保存质量几乎举世无双,采集工作的进行一直是一丝不苟的。 大家都认识到这些化石的价值极其珍贵,但这些因素并不能解释这个有趣的问题: 为什么在一个特定的地点会如此集中地出现即将临产的怀孕鱼龙群呢?

罕见的化石记录(Rare fossil record)


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