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 更新时间:2024-04-27 05:30:48

On morning bfor class, whn I was running into th classroom, I knockd ovr th ink bottl on th tachrs dsk, and th rd ink spilt ① on th dsk. I was sur I would b scoldd by th tachr. Just at that momnt th bll rang and I wnt to my sat. Stand up! our monitor said loudly. I stood up and my lgs wr trmbling. Who knockd ovr th ink bottl? Miss Y, th tachr, askd. I kpt silnt. Many ys wr fixd upon m. Miss Y walkd to m and askd in a low voic,Did you do it? No, no, I didnt, I said hurridly②. My fac turnd rd at onc. I didnt know why I had told a li. OK, I bliv you. Sh pattd m on th had and thn bgan taching. I flt vry sorry. I knw I was wrong. So I wnt to s Miss Y in th aftrnoon. Im sorry, Miss Y, I said. This morning I told a li. I saw th whol thing through th window whn I was outsid th classroom, sh said. But I didnt scold you. I knw you would com to tll m th truth bcaus I bliv you ar an honst girl. I droppd my had without saying a word. Im happy that you hav com, sh continud. You havnt mad m disappointd. Whn I hard ths words, tars filld my ys.



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